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Event Flyer Samples

These flyers help make event planning easy. Topic titles, copy, and format can be customized to fit your needs. Liz can work with your graphic designer as well. Email of call 847-920-7262 to discuss possibilities. 


"Better than Chocolate!"

"Processing Prayers on Paper"

"Tuning Into the Spirit" 

"Craving Quiet Time with God"

"The Spiritual Practice of Journaling"

"Making the Invisible Visible"

Length of class is based on the needs of the group.  

Lunch & Learn or Breakout Session:35-45 minutes that includes Liz's inspiring story and the teaching of all 9 prayer areas (4 talking and 5 listening areas).

Mom's Groups or Women's Ministry Events: 70 minutes that includes 2 interactive sections & 10-minute quiet time built in. 

Women's Ministry Events/Mini Retreats: 90 minutes, 2 hours, or 3 hours, adjusted to your needs. Ideal for a space to meet with God, process, enjoy a respite from life, and build community during interactive sections and table time. Longer quiet time built in and can cover 4 journaling formats. 

If you want to help the women of your church get on fire for God, book this Signature Talk. 

Printable PDF Flyer

Processing Prayers on Paper

Tuning Into the Spirit! 

Printable PDF

Seeking God in fresh & fun ways

Full-Day Retreat

Printable PDF

His Picture...both big & small

Full-Day Retreat

Printable PDF

Lead Well & Love It!

Leadership Training (2 1/2 hours)

Printable PDF 

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